ALOE CENTER di Bottiglieri Alfonso Via Vibio Mariano 53/f - 00189 ROMA - It

Tel. : +39 0633250804 - Fax : +39 0697257564 - E-mail:
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The Aloe is one of the healthiest things that God has created.
Used by doctors, healers, herbalists, alchemists,
is used from immemorial time as excellent folk remedy and traditional.

The Egyptians called it "The Plant of Immortality"

Its use is documented by renowned physicians such as Dioscorides, Pliny the Elder and Galen.

Medicinal Plant has always revered for its extraordinary healing properties of
Exceptional Effectiveness.

Its therapeutic potential has only reaffirmed in the twentieth century for the emerging  scientific evidence. Called "Silent Healer" by the Indians in the '30s, when it began to spread  X-rays treatments.

Above all, the Russians have done as much research about the Aloe properties of stimulating the immune and his potential adaptogen:

The doctor immunologist has long studied the Aloe concluding that it contains substances "biogenic stimulators" able to stimulate the body's biological functions and to increase considerably the immune system.


There is an important area of clinical research about the Aloe Arborescens for the treatment of burns caused by X-rays, similar to those of nuclear, where it seems that Aloe is the only effective cure.

Clinical pharmacology studies of Canadian researchers have shown that the substance "carrysin" or "accemmanan" contained in this species of Aloe strengthens significantly the immune system in AIDS patients and is a major constraint on the spread of HIV.
This was supported by other researchers, especially by Dr. Reg. Mac Daniel, who points out that the "carrysin", unlike other treatments, does not have any negative side effects.
Citing excerpts from a text by Dr. John C. Pittmann "... it was discovered that the plant of Aloe Arborescens contains the highest concentration of acetylene mannan, which is the most active form of mannans".
The Acemmannan has been shown to have several effects on the body, mainly on the immune system and grastro-intestinal, which are intrinsically linked to one another.
The acemmannan settles in all cell membranes in the body where it enhances the immune system of the organism
against parasites, viruses and bacteria that can trigger diseases, is the basis for all the cells that make up the combinations, including the walls of the vascular system, tendons, joints, cartilage and ligaments as well as the basic structure of the bones.
The acemmannan ensures proper lubrication of the joints; can prevent arthritis or - if the disease is already in the acute phase - can alleviate or even cure it.
Thanks to its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal agents, the acemmannan is useful to control the so-called "candida albicans" infection that affects the reproductive system, and to restore the natural bacterial flora of the digestive system.
All these processes facilitate the regularization of the structure and function of the gastrointestinal wall, stopping the vicious cycle of deterioration of the immune system.
The acemmannan also has direct effects on cells of the immune system to stimulate and activate macrophages, monocytes, antibodies and T cells

The acemannan normalizes absorption of minerals and increases the tolerance of the diet.


Aloe contains minerals, enzymes, sugars and essential amino acids of vital importance such as:  13 mucopolysaccharides and mono-polysaccharides , 11 anthraquinones carrying laxative and soothing, 13 minerals, 21 amino acids and essential fatty acids.

The Extract of Aloe contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese and sodium, magnesium, copper, chromium and zinc and essential vitamins such as vitamin A that improves eyesight and promotes the preservation of healthy skin; vitamin C that through the combined action with vitamin E fights infections and improves the healing process; vitamin B1 is necessary for tissue growth and production of energy; vitamin B2 which is indispensable for the functioning of nerve cells and metabolism and stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

Among the essential amino acids there are: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine; among amino acids secondary there are: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, cysteine, tyrosine; finally, there are enzymes such as AZT / Azidothimidine.