ALOE CENTER di Bottiglieri Alfonso Via Vibio Mariano 53/f - 00189 ROMA - It

Tel. : +39 0633250804 - Fax : +39 0697257564 - E-mail:
Website: -

ALOE CENTER  presents a high range of Foodwhich have the Aloe Code, Authentic and Exclusive Natural Formula created by ALOE CENTER that hides the Secret of the Aloe as Resurrection Plant, it's able to re-assess the common food in:

Functional Food for body and of Superior Quality,

properties revealed in a high energy level, in an authentic and genuine and sublime taste and in an innovative all-natural and longer-lasting preservation of food.

Aloe Quality Sign

Caffè plus Café ............................... SENSORIAL ALOE COFFEE

KristAloe ............................................ ECSTATIC ALOE CHOCOLATE

Holy Aloe IHS .................... TRASCENDENTAL ALOE OLIVE OIL

Bell' ALOE .......................................... TASTY ALOE VEGETABLES