ALOE CENTER di Bottiglieri Alfonso Via Vibio Mariano 53/f - 00189 ROMA - It
Tel. : +39 0633250804 - Fax : +39 0697257564 - E-mail: Website: -
THE HOLY "St Rita"
PILGRIM's Snack "The Passion"
GLORIA DEI "Our Lady with Baby"
Photo Gallery
Within a program of absolute devotion the ALOE CENTER has created sculptures and reliefs in white and dark Aloe Chocolate with the Authentic Aloe Code, of the most important and universal Sacred Icons of the heavenly scene.
GLORIA DEI "Our Lady of Loreto"
GLORIA DEI "Our Lady of Lourdes"
GLORIA DEI - In crust of Beeswax -
PILGRIM's Snack "Little Angel"
GLORIA DEI "Holy Family"
THE HOLY "Relief of Padre Pio"
PILGRIM's Snack "Little Our Lady"
GLORIA DEI "Relief of Christ"
GLORIA DEI "Little Angel"
THE HOLY "Padre Pio"
PILGRIM's Snack "St. Michael"
GLORIA DEI "Mary of Light"
LA PASSIONE "Jesus from Glory"